
Understanding and Unlocking Brand Sentiment Analysis

Written by Brooklyn Rosenhan | Jun 24, 2024 10:12:01 PM

Sixty-five percent of customers expect companies to meet their evolving needs and preferences, but how do you find out exactly what those are? What’s the most effective way to understand what consumers are thinking?

Telepathy, crystal balls, and palm reading might be mere fantasies, but thanks to modern technology, there’s now a real-world solution for reading customers’ minds. Brand sentiment analysis, powered by AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP), can reveal exactly how your customers feel about your brand. By analyzing positive chatter you can identify what your strengths are in the eyes of customers and then leverage this positive sentiment to reinforce brand loyalty, attract new customers, and make informed decisions about marketing and product development. Insights from sentiment analysis also allow you to proactively identify potential risks, such as growing dissatisfaction with products or services, and address them before they escalate into major issues. 

Read on to discover how brand sentiment analysis turns the elusive art of understanding your customers into a data-driven science that lets you create a customer experience that feels authentic and personal.

What Is Brand Sentiment?

Brand sentiment is the emotional connection customers have towards your brand, product, or service. Think about the tone and language people use to express what they feel about a brand either in online conversations and other feedback channels. Brand sentiment encompasses all the feelings, opinions, and perceptions that make up a customer's mental attitude and influence their loyalty and buying decisions. 

In today's hyper-connected world, negative sentiment can spread like a viral meme, eroding hard-earned trust and loyalty and hurting sales. Understanding and analyzing sentiment can help brands enhance their marketing strategies and connect more deeply with their audience. If you proactively look for positive sentiment, you can leverage that goodwill to your advantage and strengthen your brand's position in the market. 

So, how do you measure brand sentiment effectively?

What Is Brand Sentiment Analysis?

Brand sentiment analysis leverages advanced technologies like data mining, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Machine Learning (ML) to gauge the emotional mindsets of customers by intelligently sifting through massive volumes of data across all channels, including social media, reviews, and forums. This technology goes beyond simple positive or negative classifications to reveal the nuances that drive customer satisfaction, encourage loyalty, or create dissatisfaction. For example, today’s customers are more loyal to brands that align with their ethical and moral values, such as sustainability and social responsibility, and sentiment analysis can help you identify what causes are most important to them. It can also provide you with insights that let you offer personalized experiences that make your customers feel valued and understood.

The information brand sentiment analytics can reveal includes:

  • Overall sentiment (positive, negative, or neutral)
  • Specific aspects or features that drive sentiment
  • Levels of excitement about a product launch
  • Emerging trends or shifts in brand perception over time
  • Sentiment benchmarking against competitors

Armed with sentiment analysis datasets, you can proactively address negative sentiments, capitalize on positive ones, and ultimately build a stronger, more resilient reputation.

The Importance of Understanding Brand Sentiment

While hard to quantify, understanding brand sentiment is crucial in a landscape where your competitors are just a click away. Here are the most important reasons for tracking and analyzing sentiment:

  1. Understand Customer Perception:

    Brand sentiment analysis provides a direct window into how customers truly feel about your company. Are you speaking to their pain points? Do they agree with your brand values? Are there any areas where your messaging falls short? With a complete picture, you can align your strategies with their expectations and preferences, and by empathizing and connecting with customers, you're more likely to win their loyalty and generate sales. 

  2. Track Marketing Effectiveness: 

    Eighty-six percent of marketers believe that being able to understand a customer’s attitude offers a distinct competitive advantage, but 83% struggle with large-scale personalized marketing programs. By analyzing sentiment before, during, and after a campaign, you can assess how well your messaging resonates with your target audience. Is video proving more persuasive than paid social? Do certain messages boost your brand with one demographic more than others? Brand sentiment data allows you to fine-tune your marketing strategies, allocate resources effectively, and maximize the return on your marketing investments.

  3.  Identify Opportunities and Areas For Improvement: 

Sentiment analysis isn’t just for reputation management and marketing strategies. By analyzing customer feedback, reviews, and social media conversations, it can also pinpoint unmet customer needs, gaps in the market, or dissatisfaction with existing offerings. These insights may represent opportunities for improving your products or creating new solutions to meet those needs. Additionally, sentiment analysis can reveal emerging trends, topics, or customer segments that could point to the development of new markets.


It can also pick out specific aspects of your products and services that are triggering negative sentiments. Whether it's quality issues, customer service gaps, or pricing concerns, identifying these shortcomings on a granular level helps you to make quick strategic decisions. By continuously monitoring sentiment, you can track the effectiveness of your improvement efforts and tweak your processes to ensure customer satisfaction remains high.

  1. Improve Crisis Management:

    Thanks to social media, a single negative incident can quickly escalate into a full-blown crisis. Brand sentiment analysis acts as a watchdog, alerting you to potential risks before they spiral out of control. By monitoring sentiment in real time, you can rapidly identify and respond to negative sentiments, contain the fallout, and safeguard your brand's reputation.

  2. Gain Competitive Insights:

    You don't have to limit sentiment analysis to your own brand; it can also provide valuable insights into your competitors. Tracking sentiment around your competitors' brands, products, and marketing activities, lets you identify their strengths and weaknesses, and spot emerging opportunities. With competitive intelligence like this, you can make well-informed strategic decisions and take advantage of market gaps.  

Legacy Sentiment Analysis Tools

While businesses have traditionally relied on various tools to evaluate brand sentiment, legacy approaches often fall short in delivering real-time, comprehensive insights. Let's explore a few common customer sentiment analysis tools and their limitations:

  1. Customer Surveys and Focus Groups

    Surveys provide a structured way to collect data and can yield valuable insights. However, they often suffer from low response rates and may not capture the full spectrum of customer sentiment.

    Focus groups, on the other hand, can provide rich qualitative data that offers a more in-depth exploration of customer perceptions. But they are limited in scale and it's difficult to ensure they represent the broader customer base.

    Additionally, by the time you analyze and act upon the findings from these approaches, the trends may have already shifted, leaving you behind.

  2. Social Listening Tools

    Social listening tools have gained popularity in recent years, enabling companies to monitor mentions and conversations across social media platforms. While these tools can help identify broad sentiment patterns, they may struggle to capture context or nuanced opinions and emotions. The focus on social media leaves out other valuable sources such as reviews, forums, and customer support interactions.

  3. Custom Reports From Third Parties

    Some brands rely on custom reports from outside research firms to assess brand sentiment. While these reports can offer informative insights, they come with significant drawbacks. The commissioning of custom reports can be costly, especially if they are frequently required to keep on top of trends. Even then, by the time the report is generated and analyzed, customer perceptions may have already evolved, making the findings outdated and less actionable.

  4. Text-Analytics Platforms

    Text analytics platforms use NLP and ML to analyze large volumes of text from various sources and provide customer sentiment analysis at scale. However, many require significant expertise to set up and maintain. They often involve complex data integration processes and may lack user-friendly interfaces for less technical stakeholders.

  5. Sentiment Analysis APIs

    AI-powered sentiment analysis APIs, such as Quid Connect, offer a streamlined approach to integrating customer sentiment analysis capabilities into existing systems. APIs allow businesses to use advanced technologies like generative AI and predictive analytics to connect data from various platforms and obtain accurate, timely, and actionable sentiment insights through an easy-to-use interface.

For the best of all worlds, you can pair sentiment analysis APIs with legacy tools, such as surveys, or focus groups, to acquire an all-round, high-definition picture of what consumers and prospects are really thinking.

Go Beyond Brand Sentiment With Quid's AI-Powered Market & Consumer Insights Platform

Traditional sentiment analysis tools simply can't keep up with the rapid shifts of opinion driven by social media and always connected consumers. Your brand needs an intelligent, fine-grained, real-time solution that lets you not only measure sentiment but also drill down into its causes to obtain actionable insights that can inform your business decisions.

Quid Monitor seamlessly connects consumer and market intelligence platforms to enable you to analyze every data point and track millions of conversations in real time. With next-gen AI at its core, Quid Monitor empowers you to anticipate consumer needs, behaviors, and preferences as they emerge and stay miles ahead of your competition.

With brand sentiment analysis, the proof is in the results.

Before partnering with Quid, StarKist struggled to understand consumer preferences by relying on traditional methods. Using Quid to analyze consumer sentiment allowed the leading food brand to revamp its graphics and develop new products focused on customer-pleasing attributes like bright colors and bold flavors. With products that aligned with both conscious and subconscious desires, StarKist soon achieved a remarkable 138% increase in sales.

But Quid Monitor goes beyond just customer sentiment analysis. It leverages the power of generative AI to provide unparalleled insights into white space opportunities informed by customer sentiment. You can easily identify unmet needs and emerging trends at the click of a button. 

Aiming to maintain its leading position, the GoPuff delivery service used Quid to understand and predict global consumer appetites. Before this partnership, GoPuff lacked the deep and diverse perspective needed for a consumer-first approach. With Quid, GoPuff was able to aggregate and analyze vast amounts of data in real time, identify emerging preferences, and fill gaps in its understanding. This not only revalidated GoPuff’s approach, but also revealed nuanced consumer needs and provided compelling evidence to share with stakeholders.

Quid's AI-powered Market & Consumer Intelligence Platform doesn't stop at Quid Monitor. Quid offers a comprehensive product suite, including Quid Discover for uncovering insights from millions of data points, Quid Predict for predictive analytics, Quid Compete for competitive intelligence, and Quid Connect for seamless data integration. Together, these tools provide a 360-degree view of your brand, market, and customers, empowering you to make confident, data-driven decisions.


Don't settle for outdated sentiment analysis tools. Elevate your brand with Quid's cutting-edge AI-powered solutions. Sign up for a demo today to experience the power of real-time, actionable insights that drive business success and unlock the full potential of your brand with Quid.